About Amadeo Galea

Artist & Designer Amadeo Galea

From very a young age, Art has been centre stage in the life of Amadeo. The exploratory path was one in every direction possible to find a response to artistic impulses and express art in any way possible. This impulse turned into a passion which took him through various artistic paths; drawing, painting, design, various crafts and even theatre, and poetry. Under the guidance of artists and art teachers as Winston Attard and Joseph Qasha he began taking formal learning and results began to show a bright future after winning several artistic competitions, and later receiving a diploma from the ‘London Chamber of Commerce in the subject.

Following his studies at the Lyceum, he furthered his studies at the Art & Design Centre, Valletta. He enrolled in the Armed Forces of Malta as a regular soldier in 1991. In parallel with his full time military career, he continued studying and practicing both alone and with other artists and designers, his paintings and drawings finding their place in North America, Brussels, Italy, United Kingdom and Japan, some of his works being given as gifts to foreign dignitaries.

In 2003, he was awarded important commissions by various Religious Orders and the Clergy in Malta giving him the opportunity to work in various churches such as the Church dedicated to the Mother of Good Council – Paceville; St’ Agustine’s College – Pieta’; St. Nicholas of Tolentino Church – Tarxien; A youth centre in Tarxien; the Church dedicated to St. Mark, Rabat. These projects led him to work with well local established artists and foreign famous Sculptors such as Dino Felici in Carrara (Pisa) Italy.

In the village of Hal Qormi, where he married and currently resides, he contributed considerably within the ‘Saint George Philharmonic Society – 1893’, as a designer and coordinator of works for several years. In 2011, participating in a national competition organised by the Ministry for Gozo and co-financed by the European Union within the program EcoGozo, his design proposal was one of the ten selected from 150 submissions for decorative monuments to embellish the island. In 2012, was awarded the ‘Gieh Hal-Qormi’ award for his artistic contribution by the Local Council after exhibiting solo during the Springfest Celebrations.

Although he is most sought after for portraits, particularly in pencil and oils, he explores many artistic paths while experimenting with different media and materials in order to enrich his experience as he strongly believes that the artist must remain a student for life, to be able to continue with artistic enrichment.

In mid-2012, he was selected to serve within the European Union Military Staff based in Brussels where his artistic flare has not subdued, designing and manufacturing the ‘General’s Baton’ presented by General Håkan Syrén (Sweden), the outgoing chairman of the EU Military Committee, to his successor, French Air Force General Patrick de Rousiers. Besides being entrusted with the photographic history of the EUMS during the last 3 years, he also continued producing portraits of many distinguished persons, both in the military and civil sector.

Following his return to Malta in a couple of days, he plans to continue with his military career until retirement after which he plans to continue his artistic walk on full time basis. He is currently working on his next exhibition earmarked for early 2016.

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